There are many services available to families in South Warwickshire. Below you will find the links to our signposting document with lots of information about some of these services and also details of local groups for your families. If you have any other information to share, please contact the office with the details.
Home-Start South Warwickshire Signposting Document
Stratford Groups
HSSW Peep - a child development course for parents/carers and their children aged between 1.5-2 years (or upto 3 years with SEND). Free to attend. Contact Ros for details of upcoming courses -
Barnardo's - runs baby massage classes, Chatter Matters and stay and play groups for free at the Children and Family Centre. Contact them for more information about upcoming groups and activities - 01789 266 624.
Leamington Groups
HSSW - Perinatal Support Group for new Mums and their babies (until they are mobile). Held at Lillington Children and Family Centre. Free to attend. For more information contact Sarah -
HSSW Peep - child development group for parents and their children aged 1.5-2 years (or up to 3 years with SEND). Free to attend. For more information contact Gemma,
Barnardo's - run baby massage, Chatter Matters and stay and play groups for free from their Leamington Children and Family Centres. Contact them for more information:
Lillington - 01926 337 506
Kingsway - 01926 336 793
Southam Groups
GAC Monkeys - two classes for under 5's and their parents/carers - 'Stretchy Monkeys' for physical play and yoga, and 'Arty Monkeys' for crafts and messy play. Held at The Graham Adams Centre and free for HSSW families. Contact for more details.
Wellesbourne Groups
Little Angels - stay and play group at St Peter's Church Centre, during term-time on Mondays 1.30pm-3pm. £1 suggested donation.
Barnardo's - stay and play group at Wellesbourne Methodist Church, during term-time on Thursday mornings. Drop in.
Lighthorne Groups
HSSW Peep - child development group for parents and their children aged 1.5-2 years (or up to 3 years with SEND). Free to attend. For more information contact Gemma -
Barnardo's - The Children and Family Centre runs a number of groups, including Baby Time, Toddle Time and Family Time and they are all free to attend. To find out more call the centre on 01926 691 105.
Meon Vale Groups
Meon Vale Toddler group - stay and play group for parents and their under 5's. Every Thursday at the village hall. Drop in.
Warwick Groups
HSSW Perinatal Peer Support Group - Group for new Mums and their babies (until they are mobile). Held at Westgate Children and Family Centre every Tuesday afternoon. All welcome and no need to book. For more information contact Sarah,
HSSW Peep - Child development group for parents and their 1-2 year olds (or up to 3 years with SEND). Free to attend but booking required. For more information contact Gemma,